Yoga 1This is a great class to start with if you’re new to yoga.  
This class incorporates the foundational principles of AYAMA™ yoga: expanding our internal awareness while activating and isolating particular muscles, noticing and controlling the patterns of our breath, and calming the mind. Poses are typically all on the floor, without standing poses.

Yoga 1.5
This class expands on the foundational principles of AYAMA™ yoga: standing and balance poses are introduced here, as well as Downward Facing Dog.

Yoga 2
This class builds on the principles of AYAMA™ yoga: strength, stability, integrity, mobility, breath awareness, body alignment, and honoring oneself.  We will work on isolating and activating our muscles, breath expansion, breath-initiated movements, self-pacing and function over form. We slowly build poses from the ground up and from the inside out – at the pace of your breath. This class incorporates standing and balance poses.

Yogi’s Choice
Requests encouraged! Something bugging you physically? Let’s talk about it!  Using tools to create more stability and mobility in the body, we’ll work on the needs of everyone attending on any particular day.  What we work on during class is determined based on requests at the beginning of class.  Level of difficulty varies from 1 through 2.

Yoga 3Previous yoga experience required.
**** If interested in this class, contact Kerianne directly at [email protected] ***­*
We’ll use the breath-initiated functional movements we’ve worked on in Yoga 1 and Yoga 2 to create strength & mobility while building up heat in the body and getting the blood pumping.  This class typically includes Sun Salutations – a series of poses that fluidly chain together and flow from standing to laying on the belly and back up – pacing varies.

* AYAMA™ Yoga: Applied Yoga Anatomy + Muscle Activation, as taught by Yogi Aaron.
Big Heart Yoga teachers are all certified AYAMA™ instructors.